
Thursday, May 26, 2016

Smoothfoam Ruled Wreaths

This month Designer Crafts Connection members are hopping with 

Smoothfoam, a US manufacturing company, is family owned and was the first to introduce their dense, craft foam products to the craft industry. Its smooth, foam surface is ideal for a wide variety of crafts, home décor and mixed media projects. You can paint it without prepping, pin it, sand it, rubber stamp on it, cut it and a whole lot more. Earlier this year at the trade show in Anaheim, Smoothfoam introduced their "Ruled Wreaths" to the Craft and Hobby industry. Available in 5 sizes, 8", 10", 12", 14" and 16", the surface of these wreaths has markings, dividing the ring into 12 equal sections. This makes them SO easy for designers to work with - no measuring required!  Imagine what you could do!

Each of the following designers received ruled wreaths. See where their creativity led them then check back and let us know in the comments section HERE which project inspired you to be creative and how you would use a ruled wreath!  A winner will be selected at random to receive their own set of "Ruled Wreaths"...  Don't forget to check back here on June 1st to see if it was you!


  1. I honestly felt the only person who actually designed their wreath was Marilyn Gossetts Design. I'm an artist and I've seen all the other applications prior to this. But Marilyn made me actually wanted to know her. I believe that is what design should do. Make one want to know the artist and feel included. I honestly would go one but I feel it wouldn't be appropriate or fair to the crafters who were included in the project. Marilyn you are a true artistic designer!!Bravo girl! I believe I would drain my wreath in Southwestern style including pieces of real turquoise, a Mexican Wedding Vase and Teal, Yellow & Red. We are moving to Tucson, AZ in three months and I'm going to need a new wreath for my front door...I wish there was a way to include a sketch here, as I will be married there and the wreath will welcome friends and announce our new life!

  2. Wow, loved how creativity allowed everyone to come up with so many different ideas by using the same product. Great job everyone, loved how different all the projects turned out. I think I'm going to have to make a summer one for my front door, Kristi's make me think of warm bright summer days, guess it's time to go make one. Again, congrats to everyone, loved these porjects.

  3. I loved all the wreaths but my all time favorite was Susan Browns Dream Catcher. She really put the ruled guidelines to fabulous use! Amazing!
    I would love to get my hands on one of these and create a wreath with some resin inlays in each section!
    Fabulous job ladies!
