Sunday, September 25, 2022

Gwen Studios Fall Projects

 It's Fall y'all!  

        Colors are changing from bright summer shades to cosy browns, oranges, yellows and reds that herald the Autumn season. Not just Autumn colors, but lime green, purple and more that serve as a warning that Halloween is right around the corner! Whatever you're celebrating, there's a ribbon color, perfect to embellish home dec projects, outdoor displays, gifts, cards and more from Gwen Studios, available at your local Walmart store, and  then check out our designer projects for inspiration.... 

Click the photo above to link to the instructions for this project.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Gina K Designs!

Designer Crafts Connection members have been invited to share their projects inspired by products they received from Gina K Designs.

Meet Gina K here and learn in her own words how she started her amazing company:

Then explore her website to discover the extent of the product lines she offers and so much more!

Enjoy the designer projects shown below, then check out Gina's blog for even more inspiration!
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